
Moving can often seem like a continuous stream of stressful events. From the repetitive process of reserving a truck to the challenges of modifying bookings, coordinating with moving assistants, and handling a large truck, do-it-yourself movers using U-Haul can find the moving experience both disjointed and frustrating.


This all-in-one virtual assistant redefines the entire moving journey. It offers responsive voice-guided features that optimize tasks, enhance coordination, and provide real-time alerts and guidance. It's particularly adept at intelligently addressing complex requests, which is a valuable asset for movers under pressure. By doing so, it significantly boosts the efficiency and overall enjoyment of the moving process while simultaneously alleviating driving concerns through hands-free, real-time support.


Designing an e-commerce dashboard and onboarding instruction page to help new users plan their onboarding process, driving efficiency and enabling oversight of daily operations


2023 May - July ( 3 months )


Solo Project


Figma, Figjam

My role

User research, wireframing, prototyping


Similar to many SaaS companies operate on complex platforms, business faced challenges to onboarding new clients faster. As a designer in the team, I was tasked to expedite the clients onboarding experience by drafting onborading guideline and videos. However, I found its not going to solve the root case of the slow onboarding issue. I initiated the projects and looked deeper into the roots causes.

This project demonstrates

A self-initiated project where I refined the dashboard page, shipment page, new onboarding assistant feature to streamline onboarding projects management for new clients. I Focused on user flow fluency—from launching the platform to completing shipment requests—while addressing different use cases and incorporating micro-interactions that encourage task completion.


I was tasked with projects to expedite the new client onboarding process. While the previous onboarding process rely on onboarding coordinator to support the onboarding through emailing, calling and giving training sessions, there have been high churn rate for new clients due to this inefficient and inconsistent process. The root cause for the required onboarding support is due to the complexity of B2B platform with sophiscated functions and also the less intuitive interface design cause confusion and high learning curve for users. Thus I decided to look for design solutions to streamline the onboarding workflow and help clients in managing their day-to-day tasks.


I was brought to dissect the process that leads clients to generate their first sales by evaluating the current operational workflow through interviews. Consequently, I found the opportunity space to digitize the offline tasks and streamline the current operational task flow for first-time users by designing a get started guide page for streamlined task management. Additionally, I refined the dashboard to provide a consistent post-onboarding experience, allowing clients to effectively oversee and manage their daily operations. In addition, I considered micro-interaction elements that can streamline the workflow.


Set up guide

Set up guide page that guides users to expediate the sales generating process by breaking down the tasks into manageable steps.Provide users with clear guidance.Enhance transparency in the onboarding process and task statuses.


Rely on clients onboarding coordinator to lecture and assist with novice clients’ onboarding process

Shipment Page

Gradually introduce advanced features and complexities with embeded interactive elements & instructions, and real-time input feedback.


Dashboard design with a focus on information hierachy, visual consistency and customization.


Transfer business needs to a design plan through research

17 stakeholder interviews

Task flow analysis

Current site audit

🎯 Key findings

Tasks prioritization

The “creating shipment” task as essential task for clients to complete in order to achieve the business goal.

"Bottlenecks" cause delays

Identifying the "bottlenecks" caused delays and drop-off in current onboarding process
Along with other issues identified from site audit, create shipment button is hidden in the navigation menu remain invisible for first-time user.

Design failures of current site

Along with other issues identified from site audit, create shipment button is hidden in the navigation menu remain invisible for first-time user.


A summary of the pain points experienced in the user experience (UX) journey

Through my interviews with clients who signed contracts and landed their first sales, as well as project coordinators who assisted with the sales enabling process, I have gathered and identified several pain points. These insights will serve as the main design challenges I aim to tackle in the later design stage.

I don’t know where to start

I don’t know where to startFor clients utilizing multiple services of Tradefull, there is insufficient guidance on how to complete a series of tasks to achieve sales goals. Consequently, users initially struggle with where to begin.

I don’t know where I am

During the onboarding process, there is a heavy reliance on project assistants to communicate with clients and update status via email, leading to clients frequently not receiving timely feedback and effective information.

Communication barriers

When issues arise, they are unsure whom to approach or which department is responsible, potentially resulting in delays and misunderstandings.

Design goal defined from user-centered approach

The current dashboard, while serving as the main entry point to the platform, fails to provide sufficient information or guidance to meet clients' needs to manage shipments, obtain business insights, etc., especially for first-time users who don’t have a lot of business data yet and don’t know how to navigate the platform. I propose redesigning the dashboard to include an embedded sales enablement guide for first-time users, allowing them to oversee and manage daily operations while offering quick access to key tasks and instructions.

I understand how to begin the onboarding process and navigate through it.

I am aware of which step of the onboarding process I am currently in.

I know where to seek support for questions I have.

Limitations & constraints

When designing Tradefull, I create an interface that aligns with Tradefull branding guideline and take references from design from eCommerce platforms like Amazon and Shopify. By incorporating familiar UI patterns, clients can easily follow and navigate the system, reducing the learning curve and improving user adoption


Onboarding questionnaire

Get to know user’s business demands by asking a series of onboarding questionnaires, this prepares for a personalized task checklist and customized dashboard design.

Onboarding task management solution

Provide users with a checklist of tasks they need to complete to get started. This not only helps them feel a sense of progress but also ensures they don't miss critical steps. I started wireframing and tested out the dashboard design with onboarding tutorial design with potential users. I want to see if the tutorial is intuitive for users to navigate and complete their tasks.

First to final design
💡 Overcoming the challenges of the first onboarding checklist design

The initial wireframe presented a straightfoward design but received feedback that it lacked the ability to convey users the sequences of steps or tasks and less intuitive to follow. Then, I iterated different UI pattern - progress bar that can convey the tasks flow in more clear and effective ways.  

To address the challenge of managing tasks that can be performed simultaneously but have varying levels of priority. I labeled and broke down the task sequences, enabling users to identify high-priority tasks that require immediate action.

🎯 Embedded Interactive elements and instructions

Gradually introduce advanced features and complexities as users become more familiar with the basic functionalities. This prevents overwhelming users with too much information upfront. This user onboarding experience introduces interactive elements and instructions to users as they are using the app or product and users learn by doing.

Enhance the user experience by offering instant guidance, validation, and confirmation of their interactions.

🎯 Dashboard design to enhance tasks visibility

In my initial sketch, I included the typical e-commerce features like revenue statistics, recent orders, and shipment tracking. However, upon further consideration, it became apparent that these might not align with the specific needs of our users on Tradefull. Since our partners often opt for partial services like storage or Dropship fulfillment, I decided to pivot. My approach involves crafting a dashboard that empowers users to tailor the visibility of secondary features according to their preferences. These customizable elements will be juxtaposed with the core features, which will remain fixed on the left side of the screen. This setup ensures that users can gain essential business insights and curate features that matter the most to them.


Interface design that aligns with Tradefull branding guideline

I created Tradefull UI components based on existing branding guideline. However the UI pattern in current system is not organized or structured so I take references from current color palette, font and visual style to deliver interface that align with brand identity.


❌ Shipment workflow - before
✅ Shipment workflow - After refinement
Prototyping demo recording


💡 Make design decision align with business goals

User testing, coupled with iterative design, forms the cornerstone of my design approach, fostering continual improvements and refinements. Incorporating user feedback at every design stage is pivotal to crafting user-centered products. Additionally, I recognize the importance of pivoting design decisions when necessary to ensure a responsive and effective user experience.

💡 Design is an iterative process

Collaborating with multiple stakeholders is indeed a key strategy for gaining a deep understanding of business goals, mission, and values. This collaborative approach helps build a comprehensive perspective that can guide design decisions in a way that aligns with the broader organizational objectives.